Monday, December 3, 2007

[i] Gain Questions

updated: 12/18/2007

Several questions about [i] Gain I would like to respond to:

1. Where do I see my [i] Gain rewards?
[i] Gain rewards are displayed on your profile page (click on My Profile at the top of any page within personafile).

On the top of the page you will see a section called "[i] Gain Cash Reward Program". Several items are summarized there:
Payout Percentage: the percentage you receive in the "commission split" with Personafile. This percentage climbs as your user level climbs (and your user level climbs as you add points).
Reward Pending: The cash reward credited to your account but not yet final. Most transactions start in the "pending" state and then move to "complete".
Pending Updated: The date and time when the Reward Pending was last updated.
Reward Balance: The cash reward balance credited to your account. This is your money. When this reaches $25 or more, you can request payment through the Pay Me button.
Balance Updated: The date and time when the Reward Balance was last updated.
Pay Me: Click this button to request payment when your reward balance reaches $25 or more.

In the event details section you will see all [i] Gain transactions highlighted in pink. For each transaction there is atleast one event posted. Under the points/rewards column, you will see the number of points and cash reward for that transaction. Under the description column, you will see the transaction details:
ID: A unique ID that we maintain.
Status: "pending" or "complete" (or, in certain cases, "revoked", if the item was returned, etc.)
Transaction Time: The date and time the transaction occurred.
Transaction: Sometimes present, a description of the transaction. For example, "winning bid" for Ebay.
Transaction ID: The transaction ID maintained by the merchant.
Transaction Total: The total amount you paid for the item minus tax and shipping.
Merchant: The name of the merchant.

2. I made a purchase but I didn't see my account credited?
We are busy catching up. Purchases made in early Novemeber have not been lost, but not all have been credited. We promise to catch up in December.
12/15: We have caught up, if something you bought was not credited, please contact us.
12/18: If you made purchases through Amazon and have not seen a credit, contact us.

3. I have a $7.56 "reward pending" and I am an "orange" (level 3 of 5) user, what if I become a "yellow" (level 4 or 5) user before pending moves to my final balance... will I get the "yellow" level percentage?
Short answer: YES. Credit normally moves from "pending" to "final" and that process can take up to 2 weeks (or more in certain circumstances i.e., a hotel stay will not be credited as final until you actually stay there). If your user level jumps between "pending" and "final", you will get the benefit of the higher user level.

4. I see a transaction called "Registration" with the merchant "Ebay". What does that mean and why do I only get points (no cash)?
If you shop on EBay you must have (or establish) an EBay account. If you clicked over from Personafile and established an EBay account you will see this "Registration" [i] Gain posting on your profile page. If you buy something (or simply place a bid whether or not you are outbid), the account is considered active and Personafile receives a cash credit. Of course, we share that with you. If the account is active, an additional line will appear in your profile and cash will be credited to your Personafile account. You must activate your EBay account within 30 days of registration by bidding on or buying a product.

5. Do I always have to click over from a Personafile link to guarantee credit?
You should to be certain. Right before you browse and buy on a target site, start on your My Merchants page (or product link within a product page) and click over. Each time you click over the date/time of that click is recorded with the merchant. Each merchant establishes its own period for which that click is valid, it can range from 7 to 45 days. So that click can be invalidated by time gone by. In addition, that click can be invalidated by: 1. clicking over to that merchant from another link on the web; or 2. deleting your browser's cookies. So to be certain, click over right before you shop.

If you have other questions about [i] Gain just contact us.

1 comment:

seven said...

I am very glad to be a member of this website. I am french so I don't speak english very well. Is there any french version ?