Sunday, November 4, 2007


With thousands of new accounts a day, its been hard to keep up with the questions that have been coming in. Below I've tried to answer the most common questions received from our members:

1. How do I invite others?
See the blog entry below. It details 4 ways to invite others to join Personafile.

2. How do I add a merchant/online retailer?
If we don't have a relationship with a particular online retailer, let us know by emailing us at and we may be able to add it. This week we added 12 merchants; one (swanson vitamin) was requested by a member.

3. What are points and why do they matter?
Points are added to your acccount for various activities. Points accumulated determine your account level which determines your share of commissions for the products you buy. See for more info on the [i] Gain Cash Rewards program and make sure you are enrolled in [i] Gain!

4. How do I add points fast? What point values do you award for various activities? What activities award points?
We are not telling... just kidding. There are about 50 different activities that add points to your account. We aren't going to reveal them all as we want to leave something to discovery. But here are some of them:

Invite Another25 points
Accepted Invitation (invited person joins Personafile)500 points
Add a Product 10 points
[i] link Visit10 points
[i] link Visits + Product Add50 points
Community section addition 10 points (-20 for removed postings that are flagged)

...and 10% credit for the points your referrals (invitees) earn. In other words, if you invite user X and user X earns 540 points, you earn 54 points. We call these "referred points" and they are totaled about once a day for your account. At the bottom of your My Profile page there is a section that details all referred points from your invited members.

5. How do you create your public page?
See the post below titled "your public page". For an example, see mine: When you visit you go to your home page (you must visit to see your public page); when others visit they go to your home page. All [i] links shown on your public page work as referral [i] links, so users that click on them and choose 'join now' will end up as a referred user.

New Product today:

Apple - Mac OS X v 0.5 Leopard - MB021Z/A
(Apple Mac OS X Leopard)
ilink by personafile | visit

1 comment:

seven said...

Je suis un nouveau membre sur ce site ,je suis très content d'être inscrit. J'ai bien de préoccupations à soumettre et j'espère trouver les réponses adéquate. Merci d'avance...